Friday, November 6, 2009


Thought for today.
"Don't be afraid to go out on a limb.
That's where the fruit is."

In a recent workshop some interesting issues were discussed. In one senario enacted by Azmi Sharin and Ng See Teng, in a situation whereby the boss refused the project paper which was sub-standard, the 'Broken Record Technique of being assertive was practised. Of course, they were such good 'actors' and this brought a great deal of laughter and enjoyment. Hopefully with more practice, this form of interpersonal communication will become second nature to them.

Later, in a group discussion session, Helena Teo from Meridian Contracts Sdn Bhd, Amarjet AK John Gendi from Twin Tech College, Kota Kinabalu, and Mohd Haris from Menta Construction concluded that "character" is the some total of the traits of an individual that constitute who the person is as a unique person and one's personality is revealed through the way one behaviours and interact.
This was then followed by a short lecture on the Transactional Analysis Theory of Eric Berne. The practical application of analysing transactions based on the "three ego states" of Parent, Adult and Child does offer another perspective of what effective human communication involves.
It is hoped that the participants did have a fruitful time and will be brave enough to try out the new skills practised. Yes, "don't be afraid to go out on a limb. That's where the fruit is".

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