Thursday, December 24, 2009

Seasons Greetings

Seasons greetings to everyone. In a few days time year 2009 will be over and we look forward to another new year. It will be a time of taking stock of what we have experienced... achievements, disappointments, joys, challenges, good health, and the list goes on.

With this reflection comes a whole new list of new year resolutions to motivate us to face another year. The visual reminds us that "the only thing that we can really control in life is our mental attitude". So with a strong belief system to guide us, the goals we set will be achievable and hopefully we will be contented.

With this we welcome the New Year with a positive frame of mind and hope and pray for the best.

Thursday, December 10, 2009

Sunset at Sutera Harbour Resort, Kota Kinabalu

Thought for today.
"To know oneself, one should assert oneself"
-Albert Camus

While watching the sun set over the sea at the waterfront of Sutera Harbour Resort I managed to take a few photos as the sun disappeared into the clouds and then down the horizon.

There is a certain fascination with sunrise and sunset. When watching something in the distance, the rays of the sun add a different character to the scenery. For example it was no magic when a picture I took of the ruins of Angkor Wat during sunset turned out to be one where the ruins was golden in colour. It was the effect of the sun's rays!!

Sunrise and sunset are indicators of the reality of the sun rises so it must set. Life must go on no matter what the realities are. But knowing oneself will be half the battle won. Reflecting on Albert Camus quote... "one should assert oneself". So how then can we assert oneself?

Try using "I" statements when communicating with people. In a situation when something is not what one expects it to be, one can state one's feelings about it and then proceed to describe the situation and then indicate what one wants changed to make one feel "good". For example " I feel disappointed. The lecture room is untidy. I will be happy if the cleanliness of the room is maintained." Communicating one's thought and feelings in this way and in a calm and mature manner is not offensive instead it indicates that one is assertive. It is advisable to be assertive in our interaction style so that one will not be perceived to be passive and submissive. Neither is it advisable for one to be aggressive and manipulative. Being assertive and perseptive will help us be more aware of ourselves and also of others.

Monday, December 7, 2009

Swot Analysis

Thought for for today.
" Be always sure you are right, then go ahead"

David Crockett.
How does one figure out what is right? Simple enough -as a group of lecturers during a Teacher Education training workshop in Kota Kinabalu discovered when they used the SWOT Analysis as a tool in the decision making process.

During the case study discussion, Vivien, Ashley, Helen, and Muada listed out the strengths and weakness, or what is also known as internal factors, of the case study subject. Next, the other group members Tsen Lip Sheng, Yap Sau Lan and Jacqueline analysed the external variables, namely the threats and opportunities, in the case study. After a detailed discussion on these issues, they were confident with the decision they finally arrived at. Using the SWOT Analysis can help one seive out the unimportant issues, thus making it easier to focus on the relevant matters before arriving at a well considered decision.

During the forum session Yap Su Teng, Noirom, Simon Hii Chui Yung and Ellis shared their views and related some of their experiences with regards to the importance of listening skills in effective communication. They concluded that emphatetic listening in interpersonal communication will help the listener understand the feelings and views of the speaker. The other lecturers elaborated that this can also be applied in their interaction with the students.

The presentation of the conclusions of the case studies generated a great deal of discussion and everyone went away feeling more confident to deal with issues pertaining to effective classroom management.

Kota Kinabalu

Thought for today.
"Time ripens all things.
No man's born wise.
(Don Quixote)
Before the trip to Kota Kinabalu, I was reminded to visit the Atkinson Tower, a must for all tourists. So, fired with great expectations, I was greeted by this small but interesting wooden tower with a clock which is still working...notice the time? Although it is a wooden tower it survived the war. It was constructed in 1905 to as a memorial to the then British District Officer Atkinson who died at the age of 28. Over the years the tower has been extensivley repaired and restored and is now under the Museum department.
Reflecting on the above thought is motivating for it reminds us that no time is too late to anyone to go ahead to pursue one's desires. Things are achievable if one remain focussed and act appropriately instead of being complacent.

Sunday, November 29, 2009

Evaluation of Teaching

Thought for today.
"Education is what survives when what has been learnt has been forgotten".
B.F. Skinner.(Education in 1984)

Recent newspaper reports on the teaching of Science and Mathematics in Chinese schools, have generated interesting feedback from readers and concerned parties. The Ministry of Education is interested to know the magic formula used in these schools. The Director-General of education has been directed to investigate into this. He is going to identify the "good" schools to study the teaching and learning approaches used and will implement these best practices next year.

What are some of these appropriate approaches which will be identified by the officers in their study? Some views expressed in the newspaper include rote memory of multiplication tables, detailed and clear explanations by the teachers, and a lot of homework and practice. But the most relevant are the views expressed by a Mathematics teacher Ms Cheah Yin Hong ...." I teach them how to connect Mathematics to their daily lives and how to apply it. " She also added that more research must be done by the Ministry before emulating the methods used in Chinese schools. An important consideration adds Ms Cheah ..."Is our teaching just different from the aspect of the mother tongue? Does the language affect the students' ability to focus and absorb the knowledge?"

In a recent workshop on the evaluation of teaching and effective teaching practices, particpants emphasized two important issues. The first is the need to select teaching approaches and activities based on the learning outcomes instead of focus on just the topic to be taught. Ms Koshila from TAR College shared that getting students hands-on and with close monitoring her students have no problems achieving the learning outcomes. Ms Cheng Wei Fong, also from TAR college emphasized that giving students feedback on their performance have enabled them to improve.

Secondly, to ensure that the learning outcomes are achieved, teachers are encouraged to use cognitive strategies to maximise learning on the part of the students. Ms Sheila from UCS Institute Excecutive, Sarawak explained that some of these strategies include spatial strategies, mnemonics, analogy, and advanced organisers. Twinkle Anak Bati added that rehearsal activities, such as role play, simulation, and group work will increase learning.

Some food for thought on the teaching of Science and mathematices include investigating into the appropriate teaching methods to use and more importantly is the monitoring of what really goes on in the classroom,. We cannot fault the manufacturer of a fast car if the driver does not know how to drive it properly!!!

Thursday, November 26, 2009

Turtle management centre, Segari, Perak

Thought for today.
"Conservation is a state of harmony between men and land."
Aldo Leopold. (A Sand County Almanac)

From the exit of Changkat Jering Toll plaza, a pleasant drive for about 50 Km southwards along the coastal road will bring one to the Turtle Management Centre, in Segari, Perak
This centre is the initiative of the Fisheries Department for the purpose to protect maritime turtles from threats of extinction. So there is a turtle hatchery where the hatchlings are released when they are big and strong enough to fend for themselves in the open sea. Tourists will be able to see several tanks where the hatchlings and small turles in the various stages of development are kept. One can also see large turtles swimming in some man made ponds. There is also a small tourist centre with informative posters and a few specimens.
Apparently this coastal area, called Pasir Panjang Segari is a suitable nesting area for these maritime turtles. The nesting season is all year round with the peak season being between March to July.
This is an interesting place to visit and tourist can later adjourned or lunch in the restaurants in Lumut or Pantai Remis.

Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Sai Baba's 84th birthday celebration

Baba's thought for today.
"My birthday is the date when Divinity
Blossoms in your heart."

On November 23rd many devotees gathered in the hall of The Legend Inn, Taiping to celebrate the 84th birthday of Sai Baba.
The organising commitee did a good job of decorating the altar, complete with a three tier birthday cake, and a few others, lovingly made by the devotees themselves. Many devotees also made floral offerings.
With the usual opening prayers followed by an hour long "bajan sesssion then the "arati", everyone adjourned for a delicious vegetarian dinner. It was a joyous occassion for meeting up and exchanging news.

Saturday, November 21, 2009

Multi intelligence

Thought for today.
"They know enough who know how to learn"
-Henry Brooks Adams. (The educaton of Henry Adams)

The UPSR results hace been announced and the Ministry of Education has proudly highlighted that the results have improved slightly, with rural schools performing better than last year. At the same time it was noted that an aptitude test for gauging thinking skills and problem solving skills, which was introduced last year showed disappointing results. Post mortem into the reasons for this will definitely useful.

This new subject is a positive move a holistic education. We often hear the relevant authorities take pride in announcing schools' achivements in terms of academic results. Rarely has there been mention of students abilities and achievements in the other areas of development. Are we giving scant regard to the students' other strengths as explained Howard Gardner's Theory of Multi intelligences discussed in his book "Frames of Mind" 1983? Giving due consideration to these many aspects of human intelligence will be helpful in understanding learning styles, personality and behaviour in education and thus promoting skills in critical thinking and problem solving.
Edward De Bono, a famous British psychologist, writer and expert on thinking, has this relevant quotation. "Many highly intelligent people are poor thinkers. Many people of average intelligence are skilled thinkers. The power of the car is separate from the way a car is driven"
So the move by the ministry in introducing the new subject to gauge the thinking and problem skills of the students is a move in the right direction. What remains to be seen is the implementation of appropriate teaching activities in schools to enable students to develop these skills. If students are guided in this direction they will be able to apply their own judgement and interpretation to adapt to situations and thus be able to make the best for themselves.

Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Snatch thieves

Thought for today.
"Every calamity is a spur and valuable hint"
-Ralph Waldo Emerson(Fate)

It was most unfortunate that I was a victim of a snatch thief. I was walking towards my car parked infront of the railway station in Taiping. As I sat on the drivers seat I placed my handbag which contained a wallet and a cell phone on the seat next to me. Before I could lock my car from the inside, someone opened the door. I thought that he was going to ask for directions but in a split second he grabbed my bag, uttered "sorry" and slammed the door. I jumped out of the car hoping to beg for my cards, but he had raced away on his fancy looking red motor bike.

As this was my first experience as a victim I was terribly shaken. Still I managed to drive straight to the police station to make a report. I was evry impressed with the "counter service" at the police station. The police officers on duty were very helpful...they allowed me to call my husband and also connected me to the banks to cancel the cards. I was relieved and thankful for I never thought that they would go out of their normal duties to help a victim!! Cheers to them!!

Everyone seems to have a story or two on their experiences or experiences of a friend or relative who have been unfortunate to have their bags or wallets snatched. This makes us wonder why all this is happening so frequently and openly. We can merely speculate on the reasons but what is important for us is to cope with this social problem. Friendly advice have included among the obvious- like not carry a handbag, lock the doors of your car, do not put your handbag on the passenger seat, etc-all measures amounting to being extra careful at our personal level. I suppose this is the best we can do and avoid being paranoid when we are in public places!! We have really lost our freedom and peace of mind in this unsafe envorinment.

Friday, November 6, 2009


Thought for today.
"Don't be afraid to go out on a limb.
That's where the fruit is."

In a recent workshop some interesting issues were discussed. In one senario enacted by Azmi Sharin and Ng See Teng, in a situation whereby the boss refused the project paper which was sub-standard, the 'Broken Record Technique of being assertive was practised. Of course, they were such good 'actors' and this brought a great deal of laughter and enjoyment. Hopefully with more practice, this form of interpersonal communication will become second nature to them.

Later, in a group discussion session, Helena Teo from Meridian Contracts Sdn Bhd, Amarjet AK John Gendi from Twin Tech College, Kota Kinabalu, and Mohd Haris from Menta Construction concluded that "character" is the some total of the traits of an individual that constitute who the person is as a unique person and one's personality is revealed through the way one behaviours and interact.
This was then followed by a short lecture on the Transactional Analysis Theory of Eric Berne. The practical application of analysing transactions based on the "three ego states" of Parent, Adult and Child does offer another perspective of what effective human communication involves.
It is hoped that the participants did have a fruitful time and will be brave enough to try out the new skills practised. Yes, "don't be afraid to go out on a limb. That's where the fruit is".

Thursday, November 5, 2009


Thought for today.
"Your work is to discover your work, and then with all your heart to give yourself to it"

This group of Golden ladies must have followed this maxim all the years they served the government. They certainly must have with all their heart discharged the duties that had been assigned to them. For without this dedication it would have been difficult to be in service for more than thirty years.
Hence these retirement years are a time for living life, sharing and doing their little bit to make this a better world. The monthly lunch gatherings of the retirees of TMGS is a good occasion to share information regarding mutual friends, ex collegues, and family members. Sometimes getting away from the daily routine and meeting in different venues, trying different menus can be an exciting experience.
So yesterday saw yet another gathering of these retirees from TMGS for lunch at the Traders Hotel in Kamunting. There was still a great deal of talk on the 120th anniversary celebration of TMGS and the sharing of experiences in the school continues to delight everyone. The newspaper report of the anniversary event will bring make some nostalgia for those who missed the function.
It will be more meaningful if more will try to make the crowd for the next gathering on December 2nd, again in the Traders Hotel at 12.30pm.

Sunday, October 25, 2009

Nine Emperor Gods Festival

Baba's thought for today.

"Food which fans the flames of thirst should be avoided."
The ninth day of the Chinese lunar calendar signifies the last day of the celebration of the festival of the Nine Emperor Gods. This Taoist festival, is a religious one dedicated to the nine sons of the Queen of Heaven and Goddess of the North Star who is believed to control the Book of Life and Death. The nine sons known as the Nine Emperors are worshipped as patrons of prosperity, wealth and health. This may explain the large hugh crowds during this festival.
On the first day of this festival also known as "Kiew Ong Yiah" devotees do to a river bank or a seaside locality to invite and receive the deity for the nine days of worship, prayers, chanting and observance of vegetarian diet. Temples dedictaed to this deity are crowded with worshippers, the majority clad in white and many stay in the temple compound for the duration of the festival. Some do this as a form of thanksgiving for favours granted, some in prepration for the solemn and mystic ceremony of going into a trance, (some with spears pierced thorugh their cheeks, some with objects hanging form hooks on thier bare backs, just to name a few) some to fulfill their vow for the fire crossing ceremony. As an observor, I am amazed by the deep faith of these devotees and their endurance in undertaking such acts of faith.
On the eighth day there is a procession through the town and the many floats bearing the different deities from participating temple, add novelty to the celebration. An interesting and for me an unexplained phenomena is the sight of the sedan chair (bearing the deity) carried by four people, jerking and tossing around and rocking wildly as it makes its way through the town.
An unusual observation this year is the presence of female mediums or devotees in a trance forming part fo the procession. It is interesting that women are also gaining equality in this area!!
The last day is marked by the fire walking ceremony after which the deity will be sent off.

Friday, October 23, 2009

Arthur's Seat

Baba's thought for today.

" Service springs out of love and it scatters
Love in profusion."
Arthur's Seat is a hill resort located more than 302 meters above sea level. It is a granite peak on Mornington Peninsula. The main attraction here is the reward of a panoramic view of the surrounding area as well as the natural bushland with mixed varieties of eucalyptus trees. The scent of the eucalyptus is very refreshing ...just like being in a spa while we sat down for a simple lunch of the breakfast leftovers which we packed from Boxhill shopping complex. Sitting on the hugh metal chair, Arthur's Seat, certainly did give me a sense of being "lord of all I survey"!! Enjoying the cool wind in the midday sun was an unsual experience.We would have seen some animals if we had strolled along one of the many tracks in the park.
On the drive down the treacherous slopes we made four stops at the lookout points to capture some interesting shots. The first is Chapmans Point 274 m, the Murrays lookout 247 m, Franklin Point 195 m and the lowest is Bowens Point 145 m. We were luckily to have clear blue skies and cool weather to make this a worthwhile and enjoyable trip.

Thursday, October 22, 2009


Baba's thought for today.
" The teachers of tomorrow are the students of today"
It is truly distressing that Joanna Gilbert Anson who was accepted for a postgraduate course at the Teachers Training College Rajang was discriminated against when a senior official told her that she was too fat to become a teacher. In the New Straits Time dated October 21st, she claimed that the man told her" You are too fat. You can't possibly be a teacher. You look unhealthly, come back next year when you have slimmed down".
There are two main issues here. One pertains to the qualities of a good teacher and the other to discrimination on one's size and appearance. Is it fair for the officer to pass judgement based on the size and weight of the candidate? One wonders whether he is aware of what qualities or characteristics a good teacher should possess and whether one's weight has any bearing on a person's performance as a teacher. Any right minded person would be sensitive to such personal issues and the least he could do was to be empathatic instead of passing offensive, insensitive and unfounded statements. It is plain and simple that a good teacher is not measured in terms of her body weight!! It will be interesting to know what sort of disciplinary action will be taken by the college authorities for this dispicable behaviour of the senior officer.
And to Joanna, do not feel discouraged. You have the qualifications as well as the inherent qualities to be a good teacher. Do not give up your dream. This is just a minor obstacle. Look ahead, fight for your rights, see that justice is done and take steps to do the post graduate course. You will be a good teacher.
A teacher's role includes besides the imparting and facilitation of knowledge, the social aspect of instilling the right values, guidance in the development of leadership, teamwork and other life skills. Thus a teacher has the responsibility to be good role models for the future teachers and one's weight is definitely not a necessary pre -condition for achieving this.
Above are some beautiful pictures taken two weeks ago in Melborne.The picturesques scenes along the coastal road around Port Phillip Bay to Sorrento are really breathtaking. The azure blue waters reflecting different shades of blue add a certain mystic charm during this drive. We made a stop at Sorrento located at Mornington Peninsula, from where there is a car and passenger ferry service to Queenscliff on the other tip of the bay. Unfortunatley we had to forgo this experience of sailing through the bay and enjoying the view of the skyline of Melborne. But anyway Sorrento also has its own charm of historic buildings, quaint shops and interesting cafes. On the homeward journey we passed by Frankston, Rosebud and Dromana following the gentle sloping road from higher elevation of Arthur's Seat towards the coast of Phillip Bay. As Rosebud is a popular beach resort, the row of numerous little colourful beach huts is a unique sight here as can be seen in the first picture.

Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Great Ocean Road, Victoria

Baba's thought for today.
"What is the unmistakable mark of a wise man?
It is love for all humanity"

No artist can compete with Mother Nature when it comes to the beauty of the spectacular coastal features found along the Great Ocean Road in southern Victoria.
These features have been sculptured by the giant waves and strong winds in the Southern Ocean. The most outstanding of these features are the Twelve Apostles which are in fact craggy limestone stacks rising majestically from the water.
Viewed from the deck, I did not see twelve of these stacks, some may have been hidden from view, but I have been told that in reality many may have collapsed. As can be seen in the pictures, the stratified rocks besides the unique shapes also bear interesting colours and the layering effect lend a certain charm to the scenery.
Another interesting sight was the Loch Ard Gorge, where it was believed that an iron-hulled clipper was driven into the rocks and only two of the fifty people on board survived. The London Bridge arch does not justistfy the name now for part of it has collapsed. But we cannot expect nature to stand still. Nature will take its course and the coastline will continue to be ravaged by the wind and waves and more novel features will form and be aptly named.
For the more adventurerous visitors, this are also popular for surfing, fishing, nature walks to observe the vegatation and the animals. But the not tobe missed the food. We stopped by at Timboon for lunch and we enjoyed the fish and chips, the gourmet cheese, the local beer and of course the ice cream and cheese cake!!

Saturday, October 17, 2009

Taiping Peace Park

Baba's thought for today.

"World peace and indivivual peace can be accomplished simultaneously. When the hand takes food to the mouth where it is chewed and swallowed, the nourishment spreads to every part of the body."

Taiping, my hometown, means everlasting peace. The town was so named after peace was restored between warring groups who were fighting over tin mining rights in the Larut district. Today it is significant that in 2001 the Taiping Peace Initiative was launched and a Peace Park was started in the Lake Gardens. The only indication of this park is a Peace Pole erected on a small one foot high platform as shown in the pictures. I wonder how many Taiping folks are aware of this or are seriously involved in achieving the objectives of this project.

The objectives of this group of interested parties are indeed noble. I quote from a speech made by Anwar Fazal, Chairperson of the Taiping Peace Initiative "I am particularly grateful to those who helped shape The Taiping Peace Initiative where we promote a triple peace - peace with ourselves (inner peace), peace with other people (social peace) and peace with the Environment (eco – peace)."

Many of us also subscribe to these three dimensions of peace. Taking care of one's well being, having high self worth, not bearing any grudges, being kind in our thoughts, words and actions, will work towards the cultivation of inner peace. With inner peace the cultivation of social peace will be a natural consequence whereby one will be able to put into practice the values that guide us in our daily lives. For peace with the environment we can play our part in many ways, for example, through a change in our lifestyle, through the way we dispose off our garbage, through recycling and reusing things , just to name a few. Maybe we have to get involved in the activities of this project!!
To follow further on the thought for today, societal peace, in the wider sense will include world peace. World leaders have their hands full with this as their main agenda. The absence of peace means that there is conflict. Thus to attain peace will involve identifying the nature of the conflict, then investigating into the causes of the conflict, be it insecurity, social injustice, economic inequality, political or religious radicalism, racism and even nationalism. World leaders are not having an easy time- they themselves are facing conflict in their endeavour to solve these conflicts!! It takes a lot to be a successful world leader!!

Baby's full moon celebration

Baba's thought for today.
"Know that the purpose of human birth
is to reach the Lord through worship."

Congratulations to Jin and family for Whye Jing is one month old today. Following in the tradition of 'full moon" celebration, certain customary 'nyonya' food items were prepared for thanksgiving in the temple and to the deities worshipped in the home and at the alter of the late ancestors. These items included 'nasi kunyit"(tumeric flavoured glutinous rice steamed with coconut cream) and chicken curry, 'mee koo" (red coloured cakes with mung bean filling), red coloured hard boiled eggs and fruits. (See picture posted).
As baby and parents are in the US, we performed this ritual here, by proxy. But back in the US, Jin will be giving Whye Jing a clean shave of all the 'womb hair' from his head. He will be a handsome 'kojak'!!!Then he will be dressed up in new clothes, decked with gold ornaments in celebration of being one month old (or young) and permitted to leave the house. (This was in the olden days when the confinement period for new mothers and babies, was strictly followed). Some many feel that such rituals are frivolous but I think that the observance of such customs is important and serve to remind us of our roots.

Reflecting on the purpose of birth involve serious discussions- views vary according to one's religious beliefs. Without a firm inclination towards any of the denominations, I faithfully believe in my better judgement in my words, thought and actions and along the way consciously believing in the hidden hand of the Almighty. Outward rituals help in strengthening one's beliefs though for some private worship in the form of introspection, meditation and quiet prayers serve the purpose bringing inner calm and feeling self actualized.