Sunday, October 11, 2009

Sydney harbour bridge

Baba's thought for today.

"Greed yields only sorrow;
contentment is best"

How does one determine how much is enough before one crosses the line into being greedy? I guess one has to differentiate between what are 'needs' and what are 'wants'. If it is something you cannot do without, then it is a 'need'. If not then we have to learn to put a ceiling on our desires to aviod being greedy. Not an easy thing to do no doubt for humans are by nature avaricious!!

Contentment involves one being satisfied and with one's status and one's possessions. It does not imply a state of complacency but a state of being equanimous and being mindful of the present.
A visit to sydney would not be complete without shots of the Sydney harbour bridge, commonly referred to as the coathanger. Sin suggested that we attempt the 4 hour climb from one end to the other but I was not brave or fit enough for this adventure. Imagine paying A$200 to be strapped up with all the safety gadgets and putting on attire to suit the windy weather before the assault.
Anyway we decided on the ferry ride heading for Manly and enjoyed the adventure under the bridge instead of on top of it. The chilly weather forced us from the open deck after a few minutes back into the ferry proper from where we had to be 'contented' to watch the Sydney Opera house, the Sydney skyline and the other iconic buildings. There were a thousand butterflies in my stomach when the ferry wobbled, dipped, splashed and rocked from side to side during the short stretch called the 'heads'. Luckily this scary experience lasted only a few minutes!! But it was an exhilarating experience. I had to be 'contented' with this versus the bridge climb!!

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