Baba's thought for today.
"Know that the purpose of human birth
is to reach the Lord through worship."
Congratulations to Jin and family for Whye Jing is one month old today. Following in the tradition of 'full moon" celebration, certain customary 'nyonya' food items were prepared for thanksgiving in the temple and to the deities worshipped in the home and at the alter of the late ancestors. These items included 'nasi kunyit"(tumeric flavoured glutinous rice steamed with coconut cream) and chicken curry, 'mee koo" (red coloured cakes with mung bean filling), red coloured hard boiled eggs and fruits. (See picture posted).
As baby and parents are in the US, we performed this ritual here, by proxy. But back in the US, Jin will be giving Whye Jing a clean shave of all the 'womb hair' from his head. He will be a handsome 'kojak'!!!Then he will be dressed up in new clothes, decked with gold ornaments in celebration of being one month old (or young) and permitted to leave the house. (This was in the olden days when the confinement period for new mothers and babies, was strictly followed). Some many feel that such rituals are frivolous but I think that the observance of such customs is important and serve to remind us of our roots.
Reflecting on the purpose of birth involve serious discussions- views vary according to one's religious beliefs. Without a firm inclination towards any of the denominations, I faithfully believe in my better judgement in my words, thought and actions and along the way consciously believing in the hidden hand of the Almighty. Outward rituals help in strengthening one's beliefs though for some private worship in the form of introspection, meditation and quiet prayers serve the purpose bringing inner calm and feeling self actualized.